COVID-19 update #3 - Restart of reactor operation, May 11, 2020

Wed, 05/06/2020


With the partial easing of the national restrictions on COVID-19, it will be possible to restart the Budapest Research Reactor with implementation of strict virus-related health safety regulations and continued social distancing measures. From May 11 2020 on, the Budapest Research Reactor is planned to be operated according to the previously announced schedule.

However, locally in Budapest, quarantine measures, especially home officing are still in force. As the international mobility of people is limited (including border-ceasing, limited air traffic, 14-days of home quarantine for foreigners entering to Hungary), it is not yet possible to restart the international user program of BNC in its usual form. Therefore, until further notice, the previously scheduled experiments of external users – where it is technically possible - will be performed by the local staff, in the form of remote measurements. 

For urgent experiments, especially those related to the fight against COVID-19, fast-track scheduling is possible. Please contact directly the BNC User Office or communicate with the respective instrument scientist to find out how your experiment can be eventually scheduled under these special circumstances. For your information,

BNC Management